Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's alive, It's allllliiivvveeeee... well sort of.

It's been far too long...

I've been putsing and playing and sculpting a bit here and there. I seem to continually run into the same problem though. I get about 3/4 of the way done a project, then I freeze. I'm not sure why?! Maybe I'm afraid of pushing myself and ruining what I've already invested so much time in, or maybe it's a lack of resources to get to that next step. Either way, it's annoying and needs to stop!

I have a pretty large project under way at the moment, more to come on that soon. But for now, here is a sneak peak of a few of the creations that have made their way from my sculpting table to the corner of my spare room. Waiting patiently to be tinkered with again.

Hopefully I can get it together and knock a few out. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, right?!

Werewolf Maquette:
This was just a small project I decided to attempt on the side. The piece is about 7 or 8 inches tall.

-A simple Armature- .................-Some roughed out forms-

-After some refining- .....................-A look at the back-
Not a whole lot left to do with this guy, he's just taken the back seat to some bigger projects. My hope is to cast the finished piece in a hard plastic resin. Someday...

Alien Warrior Head:
This is sort of a dual purpose piece. Originally it was going to be created for use as a shield prop, but I'm designing it so that it can also be worn as a mask.

-Paper Mache is your friend- ............ -The forms starting to take shape-
Still lots left to do on this one, but its slowly coming together.

And here is a group shot of the corner I spoke of earlier:

They'll all get their turn sooner or later.

Thanks for looking.