Monday, October 4, 2010


A bit off topic, but I felt like throwing these up here as well.
I am greatly inspired by an artist named Andrew Pommier.
I hadn't painted anything in a very long time, so I decided to take a stab at a few of my favorite Andrew Pommier pieces, with my own twist for good measure.

"Damn Squids"........................."Bring The Pain"

"Shot Through The Heart"

About a year and a half after these were painted, I emailed pictures of them to Mr. Pommier himself. I expressed that I was a big fan and that I have the intention of getting a half sleeve tattoo consisting of his work. He was kind enough to respond with this:
"Hello Brandon,
Thanks for the email. I'm always happy to hear from people that enjoy my work and I'm glad you like it so much. I look forward to seeing how the half sleeve turns out. You have to send me photos.
I dug your rendering of my paintings. It's interesting for me to see one of my drawings done with somebody else's hand. Thanks for sharing.
I'll do my best to keep being awesome.
a... "

I was pretty stoked to hear back from one of my Idols. He seems like a really cool guy.

I also painted this for a friend once. Just because Zombies are awesome. Who doesn't like Zombies?

Thanks for looking.

Wake Up!

Alright, so....

September hasn't been a great month, but things are finally getting moving. I haven't touched my sculpt in close to a month, but now that my Latex and UltraCal are present and accounted for, I should have no more excuses!!

This is where it stands right now, all of the teeth, quills, bells and whistles have been removed and some refining and further detailing added. It is difficult to see in these pictures, but it's there!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Predator Update

So, here is a bit of an update on my current sculpt.
I've had some interest from potential customers of making it into a wearable Latex Mask. I have never attempted making one before, and if their is potential to sell a few copies then hey, why not?

I've started to block out the holes for where the dreadlocks will sit on the finished piece, I've played around with some different sized teeth and experimented with the inside of the mouth a bit more, started shaping the ridges on the outside of the mandibles, and I've begun playing with some of the textures on the crest. I also placed some temporary quills on the brow, again to get a feel of the over all look.

I'm pretty happy with the way it is progressing, but I still have a long way to go. And I'm not looking forward to molding this sucker! It's a daunting challenge to say the least.

But I'm having fun and learning a lot, and that is the most important part.

Friday, August 6, 2010

You are one, ugly mother@$#%*& .... Predator Sculpt

I hit a bit of a wall with my Splice Sculpt. I found myself just sculpting in circles without accomplishing much, so I opted to take a bit of a break from him and play around with something else for a while.

I decided to make an attempt at sculpting a Predator Head. I'm thinking it will probably end up as a bust because I didn't start out using a proper head cast, but instead a "Mr. Brad" hair styling mannequin which is smaller and not proportionate to a human head. So I don't think I'll be making a mask this time around.

Anyway, this is what I've got so far. Not really basing it on any Predator Character in particular. Just playing as I go and seeing what I come up with.
(The teeth are just placed in as reference, they are not the ones that will go on the final sculpt)

I have to play around with the mouth a lot; add the ridges on the outside, and add some musculature to the inside of the jaws. And I plan to still do a lot more texturizing on the crest, but this is where it sits so far.

Thanks for looking

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Out of Kit Effects

I was going through some old photos and beginning to put together an online Portfolio, and I came across a few images that I felt like posting.

These two were done using some Out Of Kit Techniques which I learned while spending a week at the Vancouver Film School. *Unfortunately, we did not receive a digital copy of the photos, only a Glossy Print out. So upon scanning the images, much of the detail was lost. Oh well.

This was created using Liquid Latex and Toilet Paper. I think it turned out pretty well.

Thanks for looking.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Splice Sculpt- Update

Here is a bit of an update:
I've been doing things really out of order and concentrating on building up one side of the sculpture at a time instead of having everything progress evenly. Oh well, live and learn. I'm still new at this.

The forms beginning to take shape

And after I added some fake eyes, and built supports for the feet

It's starting to look a little less like a naked turkey vulture!

I'm pretty happy with the way it is progressing, I just need to keep at it! I get distracted and have a tendency of moving onto new projects before I have finished what I started. It's taking a bit longer than it should, but I think I will be finished the bulk of the sculpture within the next week or so. Then it's time to move onto texture.

Splice Sculpt- Work in Progress

I still haven't actually seen the movie Splice, but not long ago I clipped a picture from a magazine at the Theater. I knew that I wanted to give sculpting a shot, and thought that the picture I had taken looked like an interesting challenge.
Let the experiment begin...

First off, this is the image I clipped from the magazine

This is the Armature that I threw together
and here the clay is beginning to be roughed into shape

Looks a bit like a rotisserie chicken at this point....

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hey There!

I'm pretty new to this whole Blogging thing but I'm Going to give it a shot!

I have always loved Movies. Specifically movies with amazing creatures and effects. Unfortunately I was born about 20 years to late, as it now seems the digital age is taking over. The time of Puppets and Rubber suits is quickly slipping away but I know it still exists out there and I'm going to be a part of it. I have decided to try documenting my progress as I work my way towards making a dream become a reality.

My goal for many years has been to attend the Vancouver Film School and take part in the Make-Up for Film and Television Program. That dream is still a couple of years and a few Dollars out of my reach. So in the meantime I plan to do what I can with what I've got.

If you feel like following along, then sit back and enjoi the ride.
